Monday, April 21, 2008

Enthralled Enchanted Assuaged

The woodlands are too dry this early in the Spring. A sign of hotter, drier, more parched conditions to come later in the year.

Enjoyed the most wonderful trek amidst tinder box timbers, in perfect weather, with dog running every-which way, picking up scents, imagining his part in the wildlife kingdom, then stopping knee deep in the water to cool himself.

Natural expanses, ovation of trees, rolling earth, warm breeze, ribbon river, blue sky, soul-filled dog, unparalleled time in that parallel universe which is going unknown, or simply being forgotten - earth.

There is only - all that.

I know thoughts do not represent a life living. But thoughts will come to you when you are among all that living.

Enthralled and enchanted and assuaged by ancient life that lives by instinct, memory, their wits and senses.

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