But I have it on very good authority that another large, jugular and/or spine threatening *thing* also exists where I walked my dog....Mother-of-Nature will you please cease with these lurking surprises? I don't like surprises.

This camouflaged wild beastie [not taxidermied] is reputed to lurk about where ever deer cavort and frolic.
I'm sure my efforts to feign maturity regarding this latest bit of information is as transparent as Saran WrapTM, but this image of yon wild beastie will have to do unless or until a real photo is taken, until then, this is only speculation - not wild speculation, but speculation and lacking hard [taxidermied & mounted] evidence.
Truth be told, I'm not exactly embracing and cuddling up to the fluffy idea that wild cats (what a redundant term) - that out size, out weigh, out run, out move, out jump, out fight and out maul me, are out there.
And not everyone would take my position which, by the way, is fixed safely within the constructed confines of my cozy wee corner other wise known as indoors.
Who needs fresh air, sunshine, light breezes and gorgeous scenery? Especially where there's central heating and or air conditioning (as I expect to be indoors for many consecutive seasons now), a refrigerator, High Def TV, more hours of music than there is lifespan in the oldest human being, movies and the Internet?
And, should one require somuchasanything....it can be ordered safely online
... and delivered ! ((glee))
I know I know all that transport wastes fossil fuels but have we not evolved to be the latest greatest subspecies known to man, and the epitome of arrived at technical perfection - have our ancestors not earned us our right to sit back and do as little as humanly possible for far longer than was thought possible?
This is what evolution was all for ....was it not?!!
I don't know about you, but whew! sheesh !! I'm exhausted having come so far in evolution.
Like a metamorphosis chrysalis of catapiller to butterfly ....I'm just beginning to feel like I've arrived.
How many butterflies get to type out their thoughts using all this technology?! The message is the silk..ooooh
no wait! The medium is the silk....no, wait, the medium is the fibre optic cables we just can't optically see
ah, I'm not a Marshal McLuhan species Butterfly.
Now, where was I ?!! oh yeah, so let me make one big honking correction...
I DO embrace yon wild fluffy beasties both seen, and camouflaged-but-known-to-be, for shoving me over that ridge and sending me back to where I came from...indoors.
What on earrrrrrrrrrrrth was I thinking ?!
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