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Pat Tanzola is one of the good guys, fighting the good fight,
running the good race, jumping the good hoops, spinning the good wheels,
twirlin' the good baton leading us on....and he's winning!
To our dismay, today Pat leaves our pokey old icefloe to make a splash over at UofT.
All I can say is: Damn you Pat.
How could you leave us?
But also want to say thank you Pat, for being one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of working with,
thank you for thinking my natterings were worthy of a weblog and got me all set up online...I feel I have failed you.
But congratulations on your new job, your new house, your upcoming nuptials, and on coping admirably while on that rediculous cleanse ...good lord*+; least I know you got real food in you today.
To read a few words from the man himself, may I direct you to the following link:
You will be missed Mr. Tanzola.
Take care and keep in touch.
A novel by Holly Jean BuckI had some down time when I was without Internet, and a functional computer, but I was given this book...If you ever have so much as a much as an inkling, curiosity, fascination as to what we might all experience in the future...the future... post-infrastructureI highly recommend you take the Kerouac-road-trip of the future now....while there's still infrastructure enough to send you a copy by post, and while you can enjoy a bevvy or two, to try and distance yourself from the impending, most likely, reality generations after us face...without such luxury.All that said and done...Crossing the Blue is one of the most beautifully written books, despite subject matter...I have encountered in a long time.It is us.It is the future.It is both unreal and real...There is hope, there is love and connection, there is life as it happens when one travels......but most of all...there is a sense of realness.The characters are as real as anyone you know.The images of the future is as real as there is likely to be.The situations continues to be as surreal-but-real, as life tends to be.The reality is as honest as we see......despite the horrors that will bring.Should you be inclined, and might be looking for an interesting 'read'may I highly recommend that you pick up 'Crossing the Blue' by Holly Jean BuckIt is a wondrous insight into what can, might, and will most likely be.....our future.for more information go to:
I think I'm back therefore I blog!I have missed letting my nonsense ooz out in text form.I have missed railing at what on earth I might come up with to blog.I have missed all TECHNOLOGY and all the modern inconveniences they serve!I have laboured, fussed and fumed and - as ever - discovered it is always the last thing one could imagine or think of that was causing the bain of my existence....I believe after much trouble, and shooting...dust bunnies had gnawedthrough actual cables ....though I managed to get this montage of madness working, it remains riddled through and through with other ailments....but who cares about that?! I have typed-text at my finger tips once again!!So much water under the much life, and time has passed I cannot go I will commence by going forth.Welcome to September folks. This is the slippery slope seasonal time that finds us deposited with a thump on the doorstep of Christmas before we even knew what has happened so be sure to drag your butt and dig in your heels to enjoy every single day as it needs to be enjoyed.Slowly.Peaceably....with grace.Enjoy enjoy enjoyCarpe diem