Pat Tanzola is one of the good guys, fighting the good fight,
running the good race, jumping the good hoops, spinning the good wheels,
twirlin' the good baton leading us on....
and he's winning!
To our dismay, today Pat leaves our pokey old icefloe to make a splash over at UofT.
All I can say is: Damn you Pat.
How could you leave us?
But also want to say thank you Pat, for being one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of working with,
thank you for thinking my natterings were worthy of a weblog and got me all set up online...I feel I have failed you.
But congratulations on your new job, your new house, your upcoming nuptials, and on coping admirably while on that rediculous cleanse ...good lord*+;...at least I know you got real food in you today.
To read a few words from the man himself, may I direct you to the following link:
You will be missed Mr. Tanzola.
Take care and keep in touch.
You never failed me, but made me proud. You kept it up for months while my blog fell silent. You're my prolific protege!
Did we deplete you to such a degree we rendered you silent!?
Online-blueline-flatline-lifeless?!?! ack!*+;.
Well....all that life will slowly return to you. And we will be reading your blog(s) to witness the creative life force come back to you.
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