Friday, February 22, 2008

Einstein with my little eye...

One of the books I've got on the go, while we're all in the proverbial headlock of this unrelenting Canadian winter, is Walter Isaacson's latest: EINSTEIN 'His Life and Universe'.

Now, Al was never a 'believer' in the homo-superstitious-sapien-man's convention of a God, which, besides his hair personifying chaos and string theory combined (that's combined not combed), is one of the reasons I like and respect him - 'k it's his hair.

Though by God (figuratively, not literally), was he ever poked and prodded about the God inquiry!

People were inquiring incessantly. You get the sense they were just chomping at the bit this was 500 years ago so they could do the full Spanish Inquisition thing. (evidence we're still NOT evolving people!)

I do however, get the sense, he had just as large a 'stroke of luck' throughout life, as he had a stroke of genius.

But, 1 inch into the book, and boy did I discover something about Albert, that was the mental equivalent of handing a Vitamin D depleted barely buoyed brain tredding hypothermia waters an anvil was:

Despite Einstein's repeated, and ever eloquent, refusal to agree to the God concept, he said something just as bad !

His sense and understanding of the mathematical universe was such that he simply, sincerely, and actually believed everything is 'predestined'. Already set in motion. Not undoable. Inevitable. Unchangeable.

THAT is....unacceptable.

Not a pretty thought a Vitamin D deprived brain wants to hear in the middle of a blindingly mind numbing winter.

Where's the hope?! Forget the 'here's your hat, what's your hurry?' What's the point?!

Boy did I discover. Buoy it did not.

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