It is my hope someone steals this 'solution' and puts it's into action. I've certainly tried.
The only difference between 'us' (the haves) and 'them' (the have nots) is: credit.
We would all be in the exact same catch 22 situation and position if we didn't have the concession credit grants us.
And look at how poorly we manage THAT. It's perfectly natural that singular Saudi family is calling the US on their bad credit debt and loans, wanting the "minimum payment" they can't make, we're all needing humbling. We've been living lies so long we actually believe our false lives are real.
Did you know...the largest, privately held, "for profit" organization that exists on the face of the earth today is: VISA. It's true.
You know the slogan: More places take Visa than any other Credit Card. That's true too.
Did you know that Visa earned over 1 Trillion dollars (1999 numbers, but they also have an exponential growth factor of 20% a year- EVERY year - that's billowing like a mushroom cloud with every passing year, and no rival close to when the Saudi family wants their money...technically Visa can afford it, they just don't want to be out of pocket, and are holding, us, the little man, to pay up)
When I discovered the stratespheric wealth, I remembered Corporations are allowed allocate a percentage of their earnings into philanthropic and charitable avenues. WOW. That's a lot of money that could be freed up and moved around the world like the sands of a zen garden.
So I thought of, what I like to call: The Visa Arts Card
(art, as in the Art of Humanity)
(when you're marketed to in the womb, one begins to think in product marketing terms)
Premise: Visa's Art Card would work on the existing Points Progam. Whereby a credit racking up card holder would earn ratioed points. The difference is: Visa would, by law, have developed one of the largest portal networks linking their Visa card holders to every, honest, and reputable charity, non-profit, or grass roots organization in every single country, place, and corner imaginable and unimaginable on the ground around the globe. (part of their karma cleansing duty ; )
Every month (a motivating factor and incentive for people over here to PAY their credit cards) people could click online and choose where they want their points [money] to go toward helping.
It would be educational for upcoming generations. You could learn about the suffering around the world. About medical issues. Orphanages due to unrelenting bombing raids. Military offences.
And about organizations on the ground, already there trying to help bring order to ruined lives.
Our actions would the necessary disassociation, to show the rest of the world WE are NOT as morally bereft as our country's leaders. We are so sorry for what they have done, but we had no control or say ourselves until VISA acquiesced and allowed this Arts Card points program to be.
You and I, would literally have the power to reallocate our acquired "points" [from VISA's profit], that VISA would then be obligated and required by law to transfer that money (thereby fulfilling their required charitable & philanthropic obligations), directly to the trench workers trying to help the poorest of the poor around the world.
We would be responsibile for the redistribution of money around the world.
Not the leaders and Executives, as they evidently are not.
Not politicans. Just us. Individuals. But there are a lot of us.
Visualise just how many VISA cards are in the purses and wallets in every city, in every household, in every country on the face of the planet.
Visualise everyone of us getting to choose where we would like our "points", Visa's profit to be sent / spent and shared with.
Visualise the human, organic and awesomely beautiful choreographed silent, but natural movement that would take root, grow and flouish, when every single culture and nation - every single one - and their individuals within, is enabled to give to every known hungry and needing corner of the globe.
It removes all boundaries and limits.
It would be a work of art.
It would free up so much.
We would have enabled all of us, once and for all, to become civil, and democratic citizens.
There's no reason for this not to be put in place.
Except that Visa International recognizes the extent of power that would tansfered into the hands of it's paying through the nose customers, to the open hands of those who have nothing, is too great for them to relinquish, for us to have access to, and for the poorest of poor who hurt and starve.
Thus everything remains unbalanced, but under the tight control, by VISA who have a legal and moral obligation that is not being acknowledged, or held accountable for.
No 21st century to be had here, no sirree bobby.
...nothing will change until we demand things changed to houw it can and ought to be.
...just an idea
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