Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Crossing the Blue

A novel by Holly Jean Buck

I had some down time when I was without Internet, and a functional computer, but I was given this book...

If you ever have so much as a weekend...so much as an inkling, curiosity, fascination as to what we might all experience in the future...

the future...post-petrol

the future...post-American-empire

The future... post-infrastructure

I highly recommend you take the Kerouac-road-trip of the future now....while there's still infrastructure enough to send you a copy by post, and while you can enjoy a bevvy or two, to try and distance yourself from the impending, most likely, reality generations after us face...without such luxury.

All that said and done...

Crossing the Blue is one of the most beautifully written books, despite subject matter...I have encountered in a long time.

It is us.

It is the future.

It is both unreal and real...

There is hope, there is love and connection, there is life as it happens when one travels...

...but most of all...

there is a sense of realness.

The characters are as real as anyone you know.

The images of the future is as real as there is likely to be.

The situations continues to be as surreal-but-real, as life tends to be.

The reality is as honest as we see...

...despite the horrors that will bring.

Should you be inclined, and might be looking for an interesting 'read'

may I highly recommend that you pick up 'Crossing the Blue' by Holly Jean Buck

It is a wondrous insight into what can, might, and will most likely be.....our future.

for more information go to: http://www.lulu.com/content/3327469

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