Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Little Yellow Bird

My nameless little yellow budgie of 6 years died today.

Every morning, he would wake me, and I would lift the cover of his den and let the little screech owl fly free.

But he was more content hanging around the kitchen window sill with the plants, keeping an eye on all the action, watching all the outside wild birds come and go, grabbing their morning bird seed.

...when he wasn't buzzing and dive bombing my dogs head.

My effort to keep him wild was never naming him, or calling him by any name, and to go where ever he wanted.

He was the only pet I've never named. And a lovely wee cheeky bird.

He outsmarted and survived my dog who caught him on two separate occasions.

Each time resulting in a dangerous loss of plumage (his pink bare bum took the longest for the feathers to grow back), but he was as good a sport about the "rag-dolling" he endured, and was as smart as he was cute.

But, tonight upon arriving in from work.....there was no usual wing-pointing as he conveyed all the things he saw while I was out today.


Today I arrived to heart sinking silence and instant ~ knowing. I could feel the void.

Confirmed by the way my typically wild dog usually greets me, today there was I-need-a-hug in his behaviour, that told me something was wrong with his squawking hawk house buddy today.

I found my budgie, not budging [it had to be said] on the floor of his wide open den.

It may sound silly, but it's astonishing how much life even the smallest of creatures, fills your heart and life with.

I will miss the my nameless little yellow bird.

Perhaps these silly sentimental tears are because he is free

and I am not.

To live with life is to live with loss.

But what a lovely life that little bird was.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Time Of Gifts

Met with a dear friend today whom I don't see often enough. An annual pal.

Of the many things covered, caught-up-on and discussed, my friend said something that we may know to be true, but somethings are retold to us, for us to listen, and be reminded and mindful of...

You are what you do.

And it's true.

..of course, we both digressed and had a laugh - at our weak disguise of how all we both pretty much naturally "do" is sit and think about things...all the the point little actually gets "done"...but this isn't about our propensity toward sheer unadulterated unparalleled laziness....
(made even funnier as it literally takes about year to finally sit down together and catch up)

I mention that because I am in need of a holiday. WHAT !?!?

In my overdue dire need of a holiday, a vacation, a change of scene, a break, a reprieve, respite from all I know...

I did what anyone frugal person would do...I bought a book.

A book called: A Time of Gifts

And what a gift it is already proving to be.

The reason I mention THAT is....the author...Patrick Leigh Fermor - a British lad of 18, in 1933 (pre WWII) wanted to *be* a writer. But didn't know how to sort of it...and sitting in his London rainy drizzly flat lacking inspiration to *write* that which would help him become a writer...he left his flat, and literally set out, on foot, at the age of 18, in November, in 1933 and walked to the ferry docks to get a ticket to take him to the Hook of Holland - where he walked through Holland (with every natural & wondrous thing to be seen, experienced, learned, thought, known and felt along the way), he walked through Germany, travelled along the Rhine and the Danube, through Vienna, to the "edge of the Slav world", into Prague "under snow", through Slovakia, and got as far as doubt hungry.

But what Patrick Leigh Fermor did was....put down his pen, set out on foot, and in doing do became that which he wanted to be.

A writer.

And write he did. And what a gift.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Indefinable Elements

What is that indefinable element within some people,
to be able to create something wonderful...

despite everything,

to be able to envisage something previously unimaginable

until they entered the world,

to be able to convey deep and complex music

from silence,

to be able to see the figure in the marble

and to find it's soul in contours

the way a blind man sees

What is that indefinable element within some people who are able to

appreciate, and require real talent to continue creating, and enlightening us in this world?

What part of the mind body & soul does uplifting love, genuine compassion, and inspired creativity reside?

I need to comprehend those indefinable elements

to understand why so many lack,

propagating the world as it is currently established.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The System

Eduardo Galeano spoke more eloquently of the 'system' that exists in the world in his following excerpt;

No one has taught humanity so much as the humble little creature - the chameleon.

Experts in concealment are highly respected, homage is paid to the culture of the mask.

We speak the double language of master mimics.
Double Language, double accounting, double morality; one morality for speech, another morality for action.

The morality for action is called realism.

The law of reality is the law of power.

So that reality should not seem unreal, those in charge tell us that morality is immoral.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Machine Out Of Order

Darwin's Natural Selection principle was based on 'each slight variation, if useful, is preserved' throughout the slow evolutionary process. And went on to say" In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed"
Chuck, have we lost the plot? Or have we lost the plot!!

Darwin also said; "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world".

What I cannot comprehend are the terms; civilized [cause we are not], exterminate [inhuman] and savage...define that term, because to my undeveloped mind, those who would 'exterminate and replace' would prove to be far more savage than those they set out to exterminate and deem savage.

Historically, the only earth the meek inherit - are their graves.

It has always seemed to me, that any group, race, or indigenous people anywhere - or anyone one for that matter - who so ever is targeted, singled out, who's destruction is sought by is that race, people, person who, over time, have developeed. nurtured and created something of intrinsic, intangible and indefinable quality...
that another lack, and want no reminder of.

And history is not inclined to show remind new generations of the good, the more peaceful & the trusting who are mowed down.

And for the record, in case the sides are not clear, who ever is doing-the-mowing...are the baddies.
[par examplement: He be G.Bush jr out-badded Sadam Hussein]
Even under the thin cloak of defense - defending is not "collaborating and improvising" in case you have already forgotten what you read Darwin had said.

Where is all this coming from? I've just seen the 1986 movie The Mission. About the 1500's Jesuit Order and a South American tribe of indigenous people, and the complex culture clashes of the concuring Spanish and Portugese fighting for their unfiar share and claims to which they have no right to, or claim.

There were so many paradoxes, my mind was popping & exploding like jiffy pop popcorn on the front burner.

Darwin also stated; "If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.

Our sin is great, and because of that, we as a species are not.

Nor are we continuing to 'preserve the useful' knowledge, skills or moral thoughts that would change our beliefs, which would transform our actions, and ultimately encourage a respectful co-existence.

In killing the peaceful, the earth-readers, those who live close to and with the land - not against it as all other 'civicilised' cultures choose to do. We have killed our past, and the answers that would prove to be our salvation,
are buried with those we've killed. So in killing every First Nation tribe of any land, we have killed our own future.

So much simply will not be. Because deep ingrained in our primordial blood stained pattern, which we inconceivably continue to live by to this day, we have still not ever tried to take the first step toward actually living peaceably.

No more warring.

No more madness.

No one verse anyone.

No one better or lesser than anyone.

Just life.

And a life just.

We've constructed this destructive mechanistic vendor machine world. But even that is damaged and beaten for being Out of Order. We need to learn how to go back to natural ways, and live simply and simply live - with culture.

It's interesting how literally thousands upon thousands of years of human history has not swayed my position,
or convinced me to 'accept' and join the prevailing perverse side that is the power and politics.

This meek one will not close an already open mind, lie when honesty exists, and just will not accept unjust.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sacred Sanctuary

To witness wildlife in their element, natural habitat, environment,

speaks to the soul.

It is an instant reminder of what life was like, should be like, could be like, ought to be like, when life is allowed to be what it is born to be. When left alone nature develops and evolves, and a variety of uniqueness finds their place.

It's hard to believe wild life, in their element, lives so close to man's proximity, expansionist routes and ways,
and still be free to be.

There is nothing more inspiring, nothing that points the way more clearly, than witnessing wild life being.


Any life who lives it, knows what sacred is.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What Do You See?

Marcel Proust Said;

'The only real voyage consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes; in seeing the universe through the eyes of another, one hundred others - in seeing one hundred universes that each of them sees"

How many universes have you explored and traversed? Whose eyes have you looked through?

Even the universe continues to expand...

Grow with it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Secrets Of The Heart

Kahlil Gibran

Sorrowful persons find joy in lamentation, and lovers encounter comfort and condolence in dreams, and the oppressed delight in receiving sympathy. I am writing to you now because I feel like a poet who fancies the beauty of objects whose impression he composes in the verse while being ruled by a divine power....I am like a child of the starving poor who cries for food, instigated by bitterness of hunger, disregarding the plight of his poor and merciful mother and her defeat in life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Enthralled Enchanted Assuaged

The woodlands are too dry this early in the Spring. A sign of hotter, drier, more parched conditions to come later in the year.

Enjoyed the most wonderful trek amidst tinder box timbers, in perfect weather, with dog running every-which way, picking up scents, imagining his part in the wildlife kingdom, then stopping knee deep in the water to cool himself.

Natural expanses, ovation of trees, rolling earth, warm breeze, ribbon river, blue sky, soul-filled dog, unparalleled time in that parallel universe which is going unknown, or simply being forgotten - earth.

There is only - all that.

I know thoughts do not represent a life living. But thoughts will come to you when you are among all that living.

Enthralled and enchanted and assuaged by ancient life that lives by instinct, memory, their wits and senses.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Henry David Thoreau wrote...

Millions are awake enough for
physical labour, but only one in a million
is awake enough for effective intellectual excertion,
only one in a hundred million to a poetic or devine life.

To be awake is to be alive.

Henry David Thoreau then says;

I have never yet met a man who was quite awake.
How could I have ever looked him in the eye?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Edgar Allen Poe said...

Those who dream by day

know many things

which escape those

who dream only by night.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Air and The Wind

More from Eduardo Galeano because I must rest.

Like San Fernando's little ass, I travel the roads partly on foot, just walking.

Sometimes I recognize myself in others. I recognize myself in those who will endure, friends who will shelter me, beautiful holy fools of justices and flying creatures of beauty and other bums and vagrants who walk the earth and will continue walking, just as the stars will continue in the night and the waves in the sea. Then, when I recognize myself in them, I am the air, coming to know myself as part of the wind.

I think it was Vallejo, Cesar Vallejo, who said that sometimes the wind changes it's air.

When I am not longer, the wind will be, will continue being.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Thought To Think About

I have said this many times, and will say this many times more...

Every living person - regardless if they are considered good or bad - everyone is;

as deep, as seeing, as comprehending, as wise, as intelligent, as compassionate, as frustrated, as perplexed, as disheartened, as thinking, as traveled, as open, as insightful, as well read, as well educated, as curious, as down to earth, as respectful, as mournful, as spiritual, as fair, as loving, as kind, as generous, as conscientious, as warm, as forgiving, as mindful, as emotional, as passionate, as creative, as philosophical and as sentient as


We are not alone in all our thinking and feeling. Never have been.

We have only been kept from thinking and feeling and knowing this truth.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Remembering Self

Isn't it strange, how our general sense of self, and people and the world around us has been so subtly forged in countless little ways, it has got our self preservation shields on the perpetual defensive.

To such a degree, that few are barely, if ever their true, open, authentic, honest-to-goodness actual selves.

We are programed to automatically shield, retain, protect, hide, disguise, cover and deflect so much of ourselves, that we are barely even conscious we are preventing ourselves from being.

How have we come to such a point that our once-logical and instinctual efforts to protect ourselves, has come to work against us as we go through our allotted days without ever coming close to being our full and complete selves?

Who is benefiting by having us all behave unnaturally, if not us?

Or is this every one's loss across the board?

How much will one never know, if they never find it in themselves to stop in their dead tracks, and say hang-on here, too much of me is going unknown.

Until we unwrap and unfurl our authentic selves and relearn how to articulate all, and who we are, we will never fly free that is our complete, complex, deeply interesting, diverse selves.

We are all - all that.

Yet we withhold so much from ourselves - as with all others.

How has this non-way-of-living, become the way to live?

Do not allow yourself to get to the point where you forget yourself along the way.

To be anything less than authentic yourself, is not to be.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Non-Profit Prophets

What do you think people would have posted, if there was the net, and blogging ability in the sixties?

What might people have done if they had today's technology, with their pooling passionate demands pulling for rights and civil justice?

A good soul I know said; "I'm happy to see the spread of awareness and people dedicating themselves to exposing the wrongs of humanity via net"

But the vast majority are more likely to use it for porn, gaming, gambling...or My-Face-Space-book-ing.

That's crazy maaaaaan.

What on earth are we doing?!

The net, and blogging, is the only voice and vehicle of action we have.

Freedom of speech was quickly taken care of in the bidding war for ownership.

Politics permeates every iota of industry. It's all control and command.

We do have the net...

for now, not forever.

Imagine, we just may look back and shake our heads at how we didn't fully utilize what we had at our finger tips cause we got caught up in playing and dinking around like kids diving for the candy falling from a pinata.

Contrary to what this might sound like, I am not hankering for some old time past I was never around to know.
It's the gist, the concept, the sense that people somehow came together once before that enthralls me.

Boundaries erased, total strangers agreed that it is simply and matter of factly unjust to have injustice.

And said so.

It's nice to think, if not witness, if we were less like the little kids scrambling for some temporary tossed sweeties, and weren't perpetually under-the-influence that we....

You and I, and millions around the world could actually move, at high speed

in unison, like a school of fish

and outsmart the nets

...using the net

just an unschooled thought swimming around my head

Monday, April 14, 2008

Chain Chain Chain

Went to hear Samantha Power talk about her latest book 'Chasing The Flame' about Segio Vieira De Mello's life and work with the United Nations.

And despite a late start, and an untimely and intruding fire alarm, despite untold amounts of police surrounding the entire area inside and out of the book store was, in my view, a little over the top, and her being asked to speak about Obama more than her book, or the late De Mello's was interesting.

I came away with 2 things...ok, 3.

First, it is a shame there really is no real "path" one can take to fill the shoes De Mello left in his death. It's a deliberately difficult realm to breech. And it's a shame that those, very rare individuals that have all the attributes, languages, philosophy, intelligence, bold ballsy bravery, panache and charm come along so infrequently - and all ~that~ can get erased in an ignorant instant.

Second, for all the special souls who dedicate their lives to altruistic, though not idealistic, endeavours when we lose them, we never quite fully replace them. Their loss is instant, for real and we're not to see the likes of such again.
Or, we are simply a society that does not respectfully recognize when there are those who work tirelessly, endlessly altruistically for people because each person is a real and valid deserving life, but all those go so unknown unless or until they are tragically killed or die.

Who stepped up and replaced Mother Teresa? Who is our Gandhi today?
Where is our orator, our educator, our conscience, of Martin Luther King capacity? Where is our JFK, or Bobby Kennedy? Our Tommy Douglas? Our Lester B Pearson? Where are our philosophers? Why do we have people who profess philosophy and philosophy students, but no philosophers? Who is asking the critical questions that need to be addressed for there to be progress? Why do we live by ancient laws and systems that have not adapted to the 21st century we live in today? Why are new laws not being written? How can so many live life and not care to try and improve it for everyone living and those not yet born? How does this not prompt people more?

Lastly, looking at the small crowd gathered and the oblivious comings and goings of book store shoppers looking for god knows what to occupy their minds and time, when there is so much needing to be done, but no one wants to actually feel or be responsible for the existing state of the world, though to just live in it the way it is, is to perpetuate it.

I came away from that really wanting to know, what would unchain us?

And if ever unchained, how can people ever let go of all we cling to?

It can't be left for a few rare individuals to ((hopefully)) come along and do something.

We all must recognize, we all must do something - as one. Not divided.

From many we can be one.

With many, governed-strife can be undone.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Traditions Of The Future

Feeling a little taxed....this tax I haven't had any extra time, to think about the finer things I like the think about. In its stead, I will leave you with the words and sentiment from one of my favorite writers -
Eduardo Galeano - from 'The Book Of Embraces'.

Traditions of The Future

There is just one place where yesterday and today meet, recognize each other,and embrace, and that place is tomorrow.

Certain voices from the America past, long past, sound very futuristic. For example, the ancient voice that still tells us we are children of the earth and that our mother is not for sale or hire. While dead birds rain on Mexico City and rivers are turned to sewers, oceans to dumps and forests into deserts, this voice, stubbornly refusing to die, heralds another world different from this one that poisons the water, soil, air and soul.

The Ancient voice that speaks to us of community heralds another world as well. Community - the communal mode of production and life - is the oldest of American Traditions, the most American of all. It belongs to the earliest days and the First people, but it also belongs to the times ahead and anticipates a New World. For there is nothing less alien to these lands of ours than socialism. Capitalism, on the other hand, is foreign: like smallpox, like the flu, it came from abroad.

Our future is buried in the past...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Incendiary Methods

Only four chapters in Sergio Vieira De Mello's 'Fight To Save The World' - Chasing The Flame and I feel I am reading a reincarnation of Michael Servetus.

Sergio Vieira Del Mello's targeted, violent, orchestrated UN-on-duty death in Iraq came 450 years after Michael Servetus was burned alive at the stake for his own defiance, having written his 'Christianismi Restitutio' in 1553 which was a polemic work of ideas that cost Michael Servetus his life. The signing executioner way back then, was Servetus' old colleague, and one time flatmate John Calvin - yep, the very same Calvin of religious-fervour-fame. Calvin was a 'failed' humanitarian, but found he had a great capacity to be mean and horrible and thus became the tight fisted, tight-butted zealot reformer of the damning kind...that similar tight-butted people in churches still hymn to.

A little bit of trivia: John Calvin was French, and his real name was Jean in, guessed it, the very same guy the term Chauvinistic derived from...thus his failed humanitarianism no doubt.

Michael Servetus born in North East Spain in 1511, when the early 16th century was the a cauldron of the medieval world, the Renaissance, the Inquisition, the New World, and the modern world bubbled & boiled. It was at the height of Charles the Fifth's Holy Roman Empire which spanned from Spain to the Balkans, from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea.

It was also 50 years of the Gutenberg's movable type printing press, which Michael Servetus utilized, whereupon his words galvanized (not calvinized) his fate.

450 years on...and Sergio Vieira De Mello, a humanitarian, who practised his philosophy on the ground, delivering humaniarian aid to refugees and other shell shocked human beings the world over, was devoted to serving the not just the people, but the United Nations, earnestly and performed the most astonishing duties in the most devasted places and people from his multi-titled United Nation's posts until he was 'specifically asked by Condolezza Rice and George Bush Jr. to go to Iraq'.

Disheartening to see the old over played out familiar scene where there is a Judas charmingly inviting with curling index fingers enticing the sheep to their slaughter.

In both, now historic cases, [which everyone truly should learn about these men's lives, and all they managed to accomplish despite the politics of their times], the moral within both cases were of course tackled and forcibly removed, so as to let the the lessor's horrible agendas not be further weakened or challenged by intelligent, literal, compassionate men who possessed a rare indefatigable courage.

Both were just a smidge outside the ruling majority cast. Servetus was Spanish in a Teutonic world, and Sergio Vieira de Mello was Brazillian in a European Clique. Both of first rate minds, both inaccurately perceived from second rate cultures, both were exceedingly charming which contributed to their achieving so much in their short lives. Both men's work and life was centred in Geneva. Both were mulit-lingual - more so than the rest of the going day. Both men had vision, both men lived outside convention and conformity, both men had reason in lieu of religion, both men sought to get their message out. Both men will largely go unknown.

Thus others lacking human qualities, similar attributes, or any capacity for good, had their opposites extinguished.

Extinguished they were.

But not before some efforts were made.

But almost always destroyed or buried quickly those efforts so as to not really make it into any history books or young minds lest any upcoming generation get any fancy ideas and want to take high roads and lead lives of integrity, relevance and seek to personify philosophical views.

...though I get the sense the 'threatened-lack' have increased in numbers, and won weeding out any semblance of triumphant human courage from ever popping up....

at least until the year 2453.

There might be a rare glimpse or sightings of hope then, before another courageous life is cut short in their prime.

Post script:The Poetic Justice of our knowing about the advancements in medicine and theology Servetus made is entirely due to the irony that John Calvin keeping one singular book of Michael Servetus - and burning all the rest.
Had Calvin not done so, we might never have come to know Michael Servetus at all. At least the man could recognize sacrilege when he saw it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Prince Of The Marshes

I have been turned on to someone I never knew existed until today.

Thanks to The Walrus's new Managing Editor, Jared Bland, for educating me on Sergio Vieira De Mello's life and work.

See below for Jared's brief, but potentially life-changing, post on his blog The Shelf.

And, see below for the lazy minds approach to get the quick-gist-bio of Sergio Vieira De Mello.

I must now conclude this post, this week, and delve into the book 'Chasing The Flame'.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Isn't it ironic?

The very freedom America is always America itself, no one else, who removes the very good that occasionally crop up and try to straighten out it's gnarled and knotted self.

America seems more at war with itself, than with any country it currently occupies.

This coldblooded beast allowed to feed and grow so large and fat, became unable to distinguish itself from the rest of the world. Failed to recognize where it ended and other countries and cultures began.

It was also unable to discern, the rest of the world looking on, clearly recognized that distinction.

America failed to recognize and actually accept differences, and change.It failed to adapt and respond and
act in-accordance-with the global community, and failed to adhere to agreed upon international laws.

In resisting existing realities it encountered, and failing to move with the ebbing tide of time, in it's clinging to it's dusty old wild west ways, it in essence commenced consuming itself.

Because America believes it is the world, it has failed to recognize it's destruction of the other parts of the world, is America destroying itself.

If the beast continues fail to recognize or sense that it is eating it's own self, it will kill itself.

We are witnessing an unrecognized internal struggle of a snake consuming it's own tail.

The Ouroboro.

Vicious cycle.

There is no untangling, there is only exhaustion, followed by a slow realization, with the hope there is non fatal self inflicted injury, or deep external wounds that may or may not ever heal.

But how many possess enough compassion to feel sympathy for, and reach out to nurture and aid a snake?

I believe there some. Not many, but there will always be some who will feel bad for its plight.

But America won't survive if it continues to remove those few rare and good characters who crop up occasionally, due to the very freedom it originally encouraged.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Music. One of the universal intangible expressions, life - all life - responds to.

It pours into our soul and warms, fills and nourishes like cup of tea.

Woke to rain - replete with thunder and lightening - and Gorecki's Tranquillisimo playing in my head, though I have no idea where that CD could be. Still, that music remained with me throughout the day.

Strange when pieces of music find you, when you can't find the source that conjoured it, or the disc to play it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Compelling Case

About this human behaviour thingy...

Could it be we, North Americas, are in essence like an unfamiliar audience attending a symphony?

Where the majority doesn't know the piece of music, or wasn't able to read the way it was being performed, to know if the last note of a dramatic orchestral arrangement means this epic saga is over and....

should they applaud?
can they applaud?
is it too soon to applaud?
should they applaud now?
can we applaud at all?
what? we can applaud?
okay then, who's going to go first?

It's palatable, this uncouth truth.

Imagine if we are jeopardizing our own ecological, conservation and necessary lifestyle change, negatively affecting generations to come, simply because we were unfamiliar with what an epic piece of dramatic, heart wrenching and inspiring piece of music sounds like, or when the last note is released.

In order for us to affect previously unseen positive change we need to recognize;

We're the type who need to see instant mega results.
We're the type who need a tremendously large 'why-carrot' dangling in front of us to motivate us,
We're the type of people who require cash incentives greater than any Government scheme could ever fulfill
We're the type of people who need a lot of others to go first.

Only then....if it seems there really is money to be saved, or earned, by unplugging a lot of things we didn't actually need originally, but accepted anyway because everyone-else-has-one-syndrome, and not consuming or buying into the old and done for American way of waste, will anything well and truly lasting ever come about regarding our sustainability issue-crisis.

So then, how might this human behavioural trip switch in our collective minds be circumnavigated?

Here's an idea.


I'll attempt to explain once you've stopped your hyena-like laughing.

By freedom I mean self-governance.

By self-governance I mean, people generally don't like being 'told' or forced to do anything, but when people are given the freedom to make-their-way, when each are allowed to do what they will to earn for what they require or desire, knowing each will be as different, but that alone is freedom to be, but in enabling people, not enslaving people, people will be naturally compelled to comply with self-regulated responsible restrictions.
There is no need to inflict force or tyranny - we're not savages.

And when and if we exhibit savage traits, look again, because last I checked we are living under tyrannical rule. Release that and you release hope, ethics, morality, creativity, a true market place will flourish, people would thrive, having been given the freedom to learn and discover and do and create what they need for and and of themselves.

It sounds over the top, and silly, buuuuuuut if you stop and really think about it....we can only experience the opposite of what currently exists when we turn that leaf over, not until then, will we ever know the other side.

And no one - not even the wealthiest of the wealthy, lives in a world where there is freedom.

Force is the tool of the tyrannical fool. That is someone, or a government or leader who doesn't know any better.

The only way people will ever change, is if they are given the ability to change. We're not even given that much!.
That is evidence enough we live in a tyrannical system.

Not all will behave or agee - just know they aren't allowed to rule anyone but themselves.
But more would behave according to more natural ways, which would see the slow return of reason, common sense, logic, needs, understanding and foresight and forethought and consideration than wouldn't.

This is about quality of life not quantity.

A quantity mindset is what created the violent unbalance we see in the world.

Freedom and self-governance would compel people the world over to behave naturally, in accordance with what works for them, at their own pace, which alone would make a compelling case for change, but it would mark a new leaf being turned in our lifetime.

Isn't it about time?

All life, everything alive and organic, deserves more than this.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Law Of Reverse Effect

How are you doing with your new non-doing-approach to changing the world?

You are in literally and figuratively un-doing, un-committing all the ills and wrongs that were done, by not doing anything about it. Doesn't it feel great?

Personally, I can't think of a better solution. When I do, you'll read it here first.

Well it's a start. Nothing like starting something by not having to do anything.

There are however, Laws of the Universe, that have nothing to do with Murphy's Laws of All Likelihood.
And I know I have mentioned in a prior post there are four...but, add this Law and make it 5.

The Law I neglected to mention is the Law of Reverse Effect.

It's kind of like when you, blow on your hands to warm them, and blow on your soup to cool it down.

Although we haven't changed temperature, the conditions around us have changed, but our actions are the same.

Not just because we are unable to physically adapt, but because it's comforting to feel like something-is-being-done to remedy the problem we're experiencing.

Suppressing this natural urge of doing, and we paradoxically, could just achieve what otherwise cannot be done. Change our environment, and by change I mean let it heal and renew.

But not doing, I mean ...if every one of our decisions, actions, habits etc..are detrimental to the organic nature of society and the planet, then don't do them. Undo them by no doing. I love this concept, because it SO suits my already existing approach to life!

However, we are teetering on a tight rope because in yesterday's post, it suddenly occurred to me that memory really would pop up out of know where. Though for us to have current existing political situations brewing and bubbling away in the pressure cooker, or already on fire - that's evidence we have too short a memory and do not either know our history, remember our history, or cared enough about the significance knowing and remembering our human history carries....or have been desensitized or disassociated from that which brought us thus far backwards.

The point, before I lose it to Monday's exhaustion, is what would happen if we tried to not use as much gas, oil, water, electricity, food, everything energy as we previously have done, and known...if we simply stopped using oil and gasoline (as if <-- which I believe is Arabic for HAHA)

The result would be: sharp memory.

And any attempts to denounce doing-without-them....would almost certainly strengthen their hold.

It vindicates the whole existence of such need and greed. Astonishing isn't it!?

The only similar model of this human reaction : attitudes and behaviour can be found with the subject of religion.

By denouncing one religion and going off to start vindicated, it somehow strengthens the other...the other can now say it was one of the's been around longer....and on it goes....and people are killed for impermanent intangible concepts - abstractions - unproveable...unwinable arguments.

So the act of denouncing anything galvanizes the reverse law effect.

The effort of trying to move away from something strengthens the existence / focus of it.

The effort...isn't doing...doing is something that shouldn't be effort, but natural.

Somehow natural was drilled from the earth, to fuel unnatural machines that we are unnaturally told we can't live without.

At the very least, it validates and enlarges the issue like putting a magnifying glass over it.

Whereas if we really knew how to genuinely leave something alone, it would be like removing the imaginary magnify glass, and we really would not be able to even find the issue, and we'd just brush it off our sleeve.

So....The question remains: How to step over this set trap of predictable human reactionary behaviour.....

Good question....stay tuned...

(Let's hope I stumble upon a viable answer before tomorrow!)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Anxiety Society Stopper

How to change society, and ultimately yourself while you reduce your stress, and the planets for all that is experience on any given day in Anxiety Society...

Now, look, I know this is going to sound a bit radical, and it will take some time for the shoe to drop, but if you're ready to do something to help make the change the world needs here you go:

Do nothing.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I don't mean do nothing as in don't change one iota, I mean the less you continue to do as you had-done-before, it just automatically alters not only the course of your life, but also reduces your impact on the planet for your lack of usage of all that you really didn't need to do half the time if you did less than what you did before. It's about the simple concept that; if-all-our-actions-have-led-to-every-existing-crisis-then-if-we-cease-consuming-and-buying-into-more-crap-and-step-off-this-path then it-can-only-improve.

It's either that or, create an entirely new 'myth' , I say myth because our North American lifestyle is nothing short of a myth. It's been unreal from the get start. I'd even go so far as to say it's been a mythtake, (but that's my broken tooth talking - which, I feel might actually be mending, but I digress).

What was I saying?

When I thought about viable doable solutions to offer here, I came to the stark realization and sincerely do not believe people are even capable...serious allegation here to be true....but I do not believe people are humanly capable of creating an entirely new way of life and adhering to it at this point.

Why? because of human traits like, memory - which ironically has been proving to be incredibly short in the last 5, 8, forget 60, 80 years...So, I bet memory would suddenly make a come back, and kick in where unnatural comforts are concerned like: oil and gasoline, and lazily using everything 'cause it was made for us to use up' mentality....*....

No. We can't create an entirely new way of living when there are millions of people who think & behave liked that.

So, it seems, with that create-new-way first option out the window, what we're left with is; being able to rejuvenate, resuscitate the existing world, we have so finely messed up. Which is likely the easier, because we know HOW and WHAT we did to create this negative affect in our society, and ultimately our planet. It's only 'natural' we know what is necessary to tidy up what we set in motion who-cares-when, it's not about pointing fingers and blame, it's about being responsible now.

Shouldn't be too big a job*+;...

I read somewhere years ago that extreme sensitivity makes people unadaptable. Haven't left my place since I read it. But given the sheer exponential increase of violent movies, video games, been at unnecessary war since the early 90's cause America's oil is under desert soil, and the constant stream of wind 'em up fear conjuring & mongering news....

....could we ever be a more fit society to adapt to change!?!

Never been a more ripe time in our history. All our media, and resulting hostile schools, traffic snarls, financial throttling, and general chaffing we couldn't be more ready desensitized group if we tried.

We're hardly fit for anything else. Totally primed. Olympic condition we are. No sensitivity to be found. eradicated that DNA gene two short unplanned generations ago.

Getting back to the solution of 'Do nothing'.

It's so simple I don't know why you didn't think of it first?!

Is the lure of advertising soooooooooooooo compelling that it has you running around like a dope fiend needing your next fix? I don't get it. How come I never got addicted?

I smoked for 12 straight years, pack-a-day (of the highest concentration of tar on the market cause I wanted my full money's worth and for death to find without having to hunt). I did all that cause I went through a stupid phase that lasted 12 years. Even more embarrassingly, I was like Forrest Gump and 'just stopped' when I felt I had done my stupid phase enough. To my own shock and disbelief, at no point was I ever actually addicted for me to just stop like that, not a twitch, not an anything, it was as if I had never smoked in my life. Quite an incredible discovery. And was to be the only interesting thing that came out of my stupid behaviour phase. Admittedly not something I'm proud of, but the reason I mention that here is, there really is just such a thing as a stupid-phase-of-behavior that is entirely illogical, unnecessary, does nothing for you but make someone wealthy. That's me - a micro case.

I think we're doing the same on a macro scale.

Here's your first assignment:

Don't do anything.

See how conscious you can get.

Get conscious of what you use, what you think you need to what you actually need, to what you 'suddenly' feel you now need & need now [that's likely advertising or some strange imposed visual, like when your brain conjours up a Triumph Daytona 675 SE, but what you're really needing is to be oooh ahh'ed over...and damn it, of course you would be, but just think, if you don't bother with the bike, and you get someone's attention by being hit be one, you'd be oooo'd and aaaaah'ed for who you are - not the bike...perhaps not the best strategy to employ, but you get the gist.

Do less of what you have always done, and that's you taking quantum steps. Without spending energy or money. What more you could ask for? Well don't! Re-teach yourself how to drop your shoulders and actually feel r e l a x e d. Really stress free. Remove every stressor you have in your world. (Cause that's no way to live. It's what we're told, but we're told that by similarly stressed out insane people who are incapable of liking themselves enough to stop).

Ahhhhhh you are at peace and at one with nothing. Remember? No? Goooooooood.

Well then, you have a lot of nothing to do. Don't start doing anything now.

Look at you not go!! Quantum leaps & pirouettes.

Well, you're well on your way to being well...*...and changing the world one you at a time.