Saturday, April 26, 2008

Machine Out Of Order

Darwin's Natural Selection principle was based on 'each slight variation, if useful, is preserved' throughout the slow evolutionary process. And went on to say" In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed"
Chuck, have we lost the plot? Or have we lost the plot!!

Darwin also said; "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world".

What I cannot comprehend are the terms; civilized [cause we are not], exterminate [inhuman] and savage...define that term, because to my undeveloped mind, those who would 'exterminate and replace' would prove to be far more savage than those they set out to exterminate and deem savage.

Historically, the only earth the meek inherit - are their graves.

It has always seemed to me, that any group, race, or indigenous people anywhere - or anyone one for that matter - who so ever is targeted, singled out, who's destruction is sought by is that race, people, person who, over time, have developeed. nurtured and created something of intrinsic, intangible and indefinable quality...
that another lack, and want no reminder of.

And history is not inclined to show remind new generations of the good, the more peaceful & the trusting who are mowed down.

And for the record, in case the sides are not clear, who ever is doing-the-mowing...are the baddies.
[par examplement: He be G.Bush jr out-badded Sadam Hussein]
Even under the thin cloak of defense - defending is not "collaborating and improvising" in case you have already forgotten what you read Darwin had said.

Where is all this coming from? I've just seen the 1986 movie The Mission. About the 1500's Jesuit Order and a South American tribe of indigenous people, and the complex culture clashes of the concuring Spanish and Portugese fighting for their unfiar share and claims to which they have no right to, or claim.

There were so many paradoxes, my mind was popping & exploding like jiffy pop popcorn on the front burner.

Darwin also stated; "If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.

Our sin is great, and because of that, we as a species are not.

Nor are we continuing to 'preserve the useful' knowledge, skills or moral thoughts that would change our beliefs, which would transform our actions, and ultimately encourage a respectful co-existence.

In killing the peaceful, the earth-readers, those who live close to and with the land - not against it as all other 'civicilised' cultures choose to do. We have killed our past, and the answers that would prove to be our salvation,
are buried with those we've killed. So in killing every First Nation tribe of any land, we have killed our own future.

So much simply will not be. Because deep ingrained in our primordial blood stained pattern, which we inconceivably continue to live by to this day, we have still not ever tried to take the first step toward actually living peaceably.

No more warring.

No more madness.

No one verse anyone.

No one better or lesser than anyone.

Just life.

And a life just.

We've constructed this destructive mechanistic vendor machine world. But even that is damaged and beaten for being Out of Order. We need to learn how to go back to natural ways, and live simply and simply live - with culture.

It's interesting how literally thousands upon thousands of years of human history has not swayed my position,
or convinced me to 'accept' and join the prevailing perverse side that is the power and politics.

This meek one will not close an already open mind, lie when honesty exists, and just will not accept unjust.

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