Sunday, April 6, 2008

Anxiety Society Stopper

How to change society, and ultimately yourself while you reduce your stress, and the planets for all that is experience on any given day in Anxiety Society...

Now, look, I know this is going to sound a bit radical, and it will take some time for the shoe to drop, but if you're ready to do something to help make the change the world needs here you go:

Do nothing.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I don't mean do nothing as in don't change one iota, I mean the less you continue to do as you had-done-before, it just automatically alters not only the course of your life, but also reduces your impact on the planet for your lack of usage of all that you really didn't need to do half the time if you did less than what you did before. It's about the simple concept that; if-all-our-actions-have-led-to-every-existing-crisis-then-if-we-cease-consuming-and-buying-into-more-crap-and-step-off-this-path then it-can-only-improve.

It's either that or, create an entirely new 'myth' , I say myth because our North American lifestyle is nothing short of a myth. It's been unreal from the get start. I'd even go so far as to say it's been a mythtake, (but that's my broken tooth talking - which, I feel might actually be mending, but I digress).

What was I saying?

When I thought about viable doable solutions to offer here, I came to the stark realization and sincerely do not believe people are even capable...serious allegation here to be true....but I do not believe people are humanly capable of creating an entirely new way of life and adhering to it at this point.

Why? because of human traits like, memory - which ironically has been proving to be incredibly short in the last 5, 8, forget 60, 80 years...So, I bet memory would suddenly make a come back, and kick in where unnatural comforts are concerned like: oil and gasoline, and lazily using everything 'cause it was made for us to use up' mentality....*....

No. We can't create an entirely new way of living when there are millions of people who think & behave liked that.

So, it seems, with that create-new-way first option out the window, what we're left with is; being able to rejuvenate, resuscitate the existing world, we have so finely messed up. Which is likely the easier, because we know HOW and WHAT we did to create this negative affect in our society, and ultimately our planet. It's only 'natural' we know what is necessary to tidy up what we set in motion who-cares-when, it's not about pointing fingers and blame, it's about being responsible now.

Shouldn't be too big a job*+;...

I read somewhere years ago that extreme sensitivity makes people unadaptable. Haven't left my place since I read it. But given the sheer exponential increase of violent movies, video games, been at unnecessary war since the early 90's cause America's oil is under desert soil, and the constant stream of wind 'em up fear conjuring & mongering news....

....could we ever be a more fit society to adapt to change!?!

Never been a more ripe time in our history. All our media, and resulting hostile schools, traffic snarls, financial throttling, and general chaffing we couldn't be more ready desensitized group if we tried.

We're hardly fit for anything else. Totally primed. Olympic condition we are. No sensitivity to be found. eradicated that DNA gene two short unplanned generations ago.

Getting back to the solution of 'Do nothing'.

It's so simple I don't know why you didn't think of it first?!

Is the lure of advertising soooooooooooooo compelling that it has you running around like a dope fiend needing your next fix? I don't get it. How come I never got addicted?

I smoked for 12 straight years, pack-a-day (of the highest concentration of tar on the market cause I wanted my full money's worth and for death to find without having to hunt). I did all that cause I went through a stupid phase that lasted 12 years. Even more embarrassingly, I was like Forrest Gump and 'just stopped' when I felt I had done my stupid phase enough. To my own shock and disbelief, at no point was I ever actually addicted for me to just stop like that, not a twitch, not an anything, it was as if I had never smoked in my life. Quite an incredible discovery. And was to be the only interesting thing that came out of my stupid behaviour phase. Admittedly not something I'm proud of, but the reason I mention that here is, there really is just such a thing as a stupid-phase-of-behavior that is entirely illogical, unnecessary, does nothing for you but make someone wealthy. That's me - a micro case.

I think we're doing the same on a macro scale.

Here's your first assignment:

Don't do anything.

See how conscious you can get.

Get conscious of what you use, what you think you need to what you actually need, to what you 'suddenly' feel you now need & need now [that's likely advertising or some strange imposed visual, like when your brain conjours up a Triumph Daytona 675 SE, but what you're really needing is to be oooh ahh'ed over...and damn it, of course you would be, but just think, if you don't bother with the bike, and you get someone's attention by being hit be one, you'd be oooo'd and aaaaah'ed for who you are - not the bike...perhaps not the best strategy to employ, but you get the gist.

Do less of what you have always done, and that's you taking quantum steps. Without spending energy or money. What more you could ask for? Well don't! Re-teach yourself how to drop your shoulders and actually feel r e l a x e d. Really stress free. Remove every stressor you have in your world. (Cause that's no way to live. It's what we're told, but we're told that by similarly stressed out insane people who are incapable of liking themselves enough to stop).

Ahhhhhh you are at peace and at one with nothing. Remember? No? Goooooooood.

Well then, you have a lot of nothing to do. Don't start doing anything now.

Look at you not go!! Quantum leaps & pirouettes.

Well, you're well on your way to being well...*...and changing the world one you at a time.

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