Monday, April 14, 2008

Chain Chain Chain

Went to hear Samantha Power talk about her latest book 'Chasing The Flame' about Segio Vieira De Mello's life and work with the United Nations.

And despite a late start, and an untimely and intruding fire alarm, despite untold amounts of police surrounding the entire area inside and out of the book store was, in my view, a little over the top, and her being asked to speak about Obama more than her book, or the late De Mello's was interesting.

I came away with 2 things...ok, 3.

First, it is a shame there really is no real "path" one can take to fill the shoes De Mello left in his death. It's a deliberately difficult realm to breech. And it's a shame that those, very rare individuals that have all the attributes, languages, philosophy, intelligence, bold ballsy bravery, panache and charm come along so infrequently - and all ~that~ can get erased in an ignorant instant.

Second, for all the special souls who dedicate their lives to altruistic, though not idealistic, endeavours when we lose them, we never quite fully replace them. Their loss is instant, for real and we're not to see the likes of such again.
Or, we are simply a society that does not respectfully recognize when there are those who work tirelessly, endlessly altruistically for people because each person is a real and valid deserving life, but all those go so unknown unless or until they are tragically killed or die.

Who stepped up and replaced Mother Teresa? Who is our Gandhi today?
Where is our orator, our educator, our conscience, of Martin Luther King capacity? Where is our JFK, or Bobby Kennedy? Our Tommy Douglas? Our Lester B Pearson? Where are our philosophers? Why do we have people who profess philosophy and philosophy students, but no philosophers? Who is asking the critical questions that need to be addressed for there to be progress? Why do we live by ancient laws and systems that have not adapted to the 21st century we live in today? Why are new laws not being written? How can so many live life and not care to try and improve it for everyone living and those not yet born? How does this not prompt people more?

Lastly, looking at the small crowd gathered and the oblivious comings and goings of book store shoppers looking for god knows what to occupy their minds and time, when there is so much needing to be done, but no one wants to actually feel or be responsible for the existing state of the world, though to just live in it the way it is, is to perpetuate it.

I came away from that really wanting to know, what would unchain us?

And if ever unchained, how can people ever let go of all we cling to?

It can't be left for a few rare individuals to ((hopefully)) come along and do something.

We all must recognize, we all must do something - as one. Not divided.

From many we can be one.

With many, governed-strife can be undone.

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