Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What if...

Your can't-quite-put-your-finger-on-it sense of, that-which-you-can't-quite-put-your-finger-on is your intuition or gut, trying to tell you something?

Now, without even trying to attempt to articulate the inarticulate-able, here's something I hope you allow yourself to try.

Stop and let yourself conduct your own mini-experiment and ask some ridiculous questions.

First, try and erase all that you've been taught, everything that has ever been said, and everything you have inadvertently picked up on or adopted along the way in life.


Let it go.


Having trouble erasing? No kidding - we're told a truck load of $#!+
Give it another second. Try and erase e v e r y t h i n g for a second here?

Allow yourself the few rare minutes you may ever have with the you...the buried deep you...that coulda, mighta, shoulda, ought-to-have been allowed to be.

It does little to get these thoughts in juuust before you kick-the-bucket.

I say, do it now while there's still time to do something about it. Like Dickens' Ebeneezer in Christmas Carol.

It is quite difficult to put aside everything you have ever known, currently have, and have been working towards for too many years. Sometimes people are in such a hurry to construct their lives, they grab anything within reach and neglect truth, honestly, realness and the L-thing which are the foundations, so the first hint of a thought, tends to turn their worlds topsy turvy, and them scurrying as attractive as mice.

Don't be one of the rigid frigid afraid of truth people, it'll only prevent you from living a rewardingly meaningful life.

Be like a kid again, squat like a six year old, staring in slack-jawed-awe at a metallic-like bug in the summer sun...never lose that childlike quality every day you are in this world.

'k, Ready to experience this Experiment in YOU.
Have you erased every externally influenced thought, message, word, action & memory if you want to actually experience this true glimpse of you?

Last minute reminders:

1. Forget money...except to say it is no object, or subject of value or worth mentioning.
2. Anything goes. Besides these points - there are no rules at all, within your world.
3. There are no laws. (beside laws of physics apply, although, gravity lies outside of physics as we know it).
4. There is no need to cart or stuff old familiar obligated square pegs in black holes, they'll disappear instantly.

'k, Chill.

Don't think of a n y t h i n g (till you read a question)

This is a luxury of truly answering the following in your mind...keep it real. This is about just acknowledging. Not sharing. Don't cheat yourself. Too many people do that, that's why the world sucks.

Here we go:

What if you had achieved everything & more than what you wanted. What would you do?

What if you lost all physical mobility? What would wish you did or had done, when you had the chance?

What if your life circumstance & experiences weren't the ones you knew. What kind of person would you be?
Upon seeing how lucky you are & have been, are you giving as much as others gave and showed you?

What if you saw someone who possessed seriously astonishing traits, who could contribute greatly to the advancement of mankind, but was being steered invisibly further away from discovering such traits and capacity within them - truly getting lost - what would you do to try and wake them?

What if that person is you?

What if you are drifting further away from who you are, could be, and ought to be? What would you do to stop it?

What if YOU really were the answer the world has been looking to & needing for years. No one else with all you are and were given. How would your / our world look, operate, function and work?

What if you aren't one of those who get to see their 80th birthday...what if you only had 4 years left?

Just What if...

Are you who and where and what and how and why you are and were and ought to be?

What if you implemented your results derived in this Experiment in YOU for the next year straight.

What would your life be like a year from now?

What are the external influences holding you back from doing & being all that you are, ought to experience, and be?


Cupcake Man said...

this is quite wonderful.

shame on me! I got comfortable.

What Fi Sees said...

You can rhyme on a dime can't you?
But thank you.