Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Coal for Christmas


This slow motion face-down-kiddie-gravel-slide just gets worse.

There's gonna be scarring for sure.

Incredibly (though what else can one expect from non-credible individuals?!) Harper has managed to harpoon himself in the foot. Just like that NY Giants sports guy at a dance bar.

But you know what molocule I am most proud of about our country?

....we don't use bullets or car bombs.

In other countries, people get killed for trying to do this.

Fortunately, we're not as organized as the proverbial third world we belong to.


Otherwise, we're not unlike any other destablablized, weak, power mongering, inept, unfit, irrational, incapable corrupt Government.

And, as the old saying goes, if you aren't're otherwise.

We are, officially, other-than-wise at this point.

So much has already been put on record of this riveting turtle race, for anyone to peruse and view 24/7, I will not rehash it all without real hash here.

But will say this:

I believe there will be dirty coal doled out for Christmas this year.

...which we all know is a pollutant, and not a sustainable, or viable solution.

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