Sunday, December 7, 2008

Enter: The Reductionist Movement

Circa: now.

It is said, when populations of mice and rats form rapidly, the hungry and stressed survivors tend to kill and devour the weaker.

In the case of Lions; When new adult lions take over a pride, they often kill the young and thus eliminate the chance of any rivalry against offspring he later fathers. Successful males that takeover a pride have about 2 years before another younger, stronger coalition replace them.

One of the main reasons for adults killing competitors is due to males taking over leadership of a group.

All of these mechanisms may seem cruel, but many of the strategies have a logical basis, as they are geared towards survival of animal [read: political] groups.

Danton, celebrated/hated/loved French revolutionary leader, himself executed after coming to power, said; "The revolution...devours its own children." Danton as a man “devoid of honor, principles, and morality”, who only found excitement and a chance for distinction. He was merely "a statesman of materialism".

The old revolution, not unlike Goya's 'Saturn devours its own children', was a common saying during the French Revolution (1789) and that it was most famously uttered by Danton during his trial.

By the period Danton fell out of favor with the Committee of Public Safety and Robespierre, the revolution had become so suspicious of loyalism and foreign intervention, it set up kangaroo courts throughout the country to purge society of counterrevolutionaries.

In the end, the people of Paris took virtual control of the National Assembly and the committee of Public Safety.

Successive waves of radicalization, quickly made conservatives out of yesterday's radicals.

Are you seeing what I'm getting at?

Fortunately this is not a revolution.....good god, this is Canada!! We don't do anything here.

I'm just sayin'...

" your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned"
Georges Jacques Danton October 26, 1759April 5, 1794

1 comment:

broadcast poulet said...

i always liked the way you think, the way you write, and the way you put your thoughts together!
