Friday, March 27, 2009

The Power At Your Fingertips

There is an electrical election tomorrow, Saturday March 28th, and the ballot box is right in your home, and right at your fingertips.

1,429 cities and towns in over 80 countries will flip the switch this year, and cast their votes.

Stand tall along side some of the most recognizable monuments across the globe like the Sydney Opera House, The Golden Gate Bridge, New York's Empire State Building, and Toronto's CN Tower who will all be participating.

Earth Hour started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 when 2.2 million people agreed to turn off their lights for one hour.

Earth Hour apparently spread at the speed of light last year and went global with approximately 50 million people turning off their lights around the world.

Earth hour's goal this year is to see, by way of not seeing, 1 Billion people make their silent statements from the comfort of their intimately cosy homes.

For the first time in history, our silent personal action will be counted as a vote.

And the number of 'voters' (even if your not 18, here's your opportunity to vote, so flick those switches off)
will be presented to the UN Global Climate Change Conference being held in Copenhagen this December.

This very conference will determine official international government actions to address climate change and global warming

which will replace the Kyoto Protocol.

If you've ever wanted to "do" anything about that which you always felt was way beyond anything you could do to effect any change....don't tell me flicking every light switch off, that is in your house, is beyond your capacity.

If so, then the world really is in trouble, and so are you, should we call someone to help you? Contact us by morse code using your light switch....oh wait, I see the problem there...ah well...I guess it's lights out for you.

I think I would rather be left in the dark than learn how extensive our complacency really is.

But I will certainly wait to be enlightened about how many people stopped and thought, and cared enough to give a damn about this gorgeous, this singularly unique, this wondrously enchanting planet we have the privilege of living on.

Plus, we need to practise for when no one can afford fuel or energy, heat or light....we need to get over our fear of the dark, and let go of our electric security blanket, at least as long as a rinse cycle would take.

One hour, a year at a time.

We can do it.

We have to!

Evidently Governments around the world won't take active measures of doing anything vital UNTIL a lot of us make a silent and peaceful statement, so let's not let conveniently unconscionable forgetfulness and laziness be the death of democracy, along with every living species, and ourselves, and our children's-children's life, livelihood and future.

Cut and paste this and have a listen, and stop and think.

or hit

What is more important, than the earth that enables us to do it?

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