Monday, March 23, 2009

Stop The Silence Canada

Canada's freedom of speech is currently hanging in the Harper-built-gallows as we speak....

so to speak. be able to speak soto


Dundee born, George Galloway, 5 time elected Liberal MP from Scotland, who was, yes yes yes, admittedly expelled from Parliament in 2003 for articulating his views on the illegal war that was about to be embarked upon by Bush and Blair as those two were hopping and skipping merrily, headlong,
arm-and-arm together into an illegal and insane war and occupation of undeniable, blatant and ridiculous proportions.

George Galloway is anti-war. ....and not an angel, but this is about nothing other than

freedom of speech. (and the Scots have a thing about freedom)

But, being Scottish, and a wee bitty over the top, he takes staunch stands on silly little things like the insanity that was the war in Iraq and Afghanistan...and generally feels compelled to champion any underdogs causes, he speaks to & for those who are set up to lose their lives and livelihoods, he's for the humanity that tends to get caught in the unfair cross hairs of otherwise unbalanced powers, and renown International....


Harper is anti-freedom of speech.

But, being an eyelash fluttering admirer of George Bush....and being such a fuddy duddy wanna-be bully himself, Harper and his boy wonder, Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, have been 'advised' by a very defensive Jewish Defence League, to not let George Galloway step foot in Canada because he has allegedly financially helped Arab under dogs who have been on the receiving end of Israeli offensives.

Why is no one questioning how such offensives are even afforded and funded?

It's like a kid with a shiny new knife crying because someone might have tossed his already beaten up, bleeding worrying victim a rock. Can't ever have a fight when both sides are actually armed now can we?

That is so not fair.

Thus, Harper and boy wonder are holding potential truths hostage, thereby sending Canada digressing so far back into the dark ages, we can't see our ground-scraping-knuckles in front of our half opened eyes, let alone say or type out a few words on the subject.

By not letting George Galloway the anti-war MP (who currently serves on dissertation committees at the University of Toronto and the University of Ottawa) into our once, strong-and-free-country, to honour his scheduled four-city Canadian tour of speaking engagements that were to begin in Toronto March 30, March 31 in Mississauga,
April 1 in Montreal, and in Ottawa on April 2, freedom of speech, and the expression of ideas and the prevention of open discussion is more of an affront than what the guy might actually say. But now we'll never know that will we?

Tell you what...what's say we let the guy speak and hear first-knuckle-scraping-hand what he has to say, and see if and how and where he offends, and then address the matter, openly, diplomatically, and publicly.

Let the man commit a mistake first (if he's even going to) it's what we let our criminals do everyday, why should he get special treatment?

This freedom of thought prevention thing has a bit of a serious connotation to it don't you think?

No oh're not supposed to be doing that. Thinking is dangerous, and evidently liable!

But if you're feeling particularly dangerous ask yourself this....

Since when is anti war something to be smothered, suffocated and silenced in Canada?

Since when does the views and opinions of one group, outweigh all other opinion from even being heard?

And just when exactly did Canada get the brain by-pass surgery?!?!

What happened to critical thinking and open debates? Freedom?'s in the dictionary, must freedom only exist there?

How on earrrrrrth is this suffocating blanket of silence GOOD for anyone, or any country anywhere, I ask you?

How insecure must a person / un-primed minister / group BE to be so a-feared of anyone saying anything
they don't wanna hear? Are they so flimsy and cannot survive without pulverizing that which they cannot win in an intelligent debate?

...or are these questions not allowed to be debated or discussed publicly lest a blanket gets thrown over our heads and we get whisked away never to be heard or seen again?

Hoodwinking. How archaic can you get?!

Dark ages indeed.

It's times like these, the argument for evolution really has a hard time standing upright doesn't it?

1 comment:

rachel said...

hear hear! in an attempt to avoid offending a minority, he seems to have offended us all. Bully indeed.