Tuesday, March 18, 2008


To coin a new phrase...

The fininity is the finite aspect that ~is~ infernally eternal.

This is going to be brief to depict the brevity that is the fininity of the ~is~ that is.

In all that is, and all that happens, all that we experience, think, feel, notice, pick up on, observe, and process and filter through our rich, heavy tapestry that is our complex patterned fabric of ourselves on a daily / second-by-second basis, it's so easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.

And for all our griping / experiencing / going about our day to day things.....we just might lose sight of the fininity of each moment as we actually live and breathe them.

Simply be more conscious - where ever possible.

Be conscious of - be it for good or bad - each & every unique place we find ourselves, or with whom we have encountered for however long - however brief or for however long we shall know them,

Because everything is so finite. So short. So limited. So transient. So fleeting.

And when done and gone - it will be done & gone.

Be decent in every here and now, that you have, however awful it might be - you can hate it, but you can't say you aren't learning something - and that is, after all the only point and purpose to being here at all.

Know that everything is temporary. Everything is just for now, not forever.

Just learn how to live and enjoy each now.

Or lese you'll never know the moment truly and fully - and that would be a shame to lose - twice. First, in the moment, and then in the memory of it - because you never llived it originally. And you never get a second chance to live something properly a second time.

We all know everything else, but that which we need.

That's something we all need to learn how to achieve.

So, while we're all here in this world, why not appreciate every moment and person we meet or experience in whatever sense....cause our world too, is finite.

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