Wise men lack an income,
Prophets do not have riches,
The learned lack wealth,
And time and chance overtake them all
Our purported 'True North Strong and Free' ((cough)) ((cough)) is officially non compos mentis.
We've gone loopdy-loop. Topsy turvey. Completely stark raving mad
(without having raved about anything...we're too damn polite to rant & rave)
The amendment of Bill C-10 has already been passed in the House of Commons. And not a peep. This will enable our already anal water tight Government to not release funding for any Film or TV show that it, in all's our Governments worthless glory, could deem offensive. ?!?!
.....if you thought Canadian made media was bad before*+;...
You ain't gonna see anything ever again!
THAT. Is offensive.
Welcome to the Dark Ages! Feel around for a seat if you can find one, there isn't enough for all of us of course, that's not the way Canada has ever planned for or operated....sorry about the shoddy lighting, but we're Canadian - mustn't grumble....just accept it and continue thinking your non-thoughts and assume you can't do a thing about it, a great big collective shrug of our overburdened, overworked shoulders and heave a sigh while we say goodbye to all things pertaining to illumination, freedom of speech, Democracy, Art, Humanity, Documentary, Education, History, and actuality, or any independent spirit we might have had. Bye bye. Gone. ah well...it wasn't as if we were really using it. It was such a quiet funeral....no one showed up....they might not have seen the fine print in self coloured ink as the page in the obituaries in the Easter Island Times newspaper.
And that, is how we let our pathetically inept, unqualified, tasteless and uberly-anal-judgemental Government - govern us. Because not only have we proven we trust them more than hoodlum artists, but that we can't distinguish anything for ourselves. ...the invention of earbuds and cell phones are to keep our melted brain from seeping out*+;...
Carte Blanche power is a corrupt thing.
The second part to this post is, I feel, related. An observational, gleaned this evening: The youth of our streets.
Is it just my imagination that perceives there to be an direct correlation of young people on the streets who look, sound, think and behave...........creatively?
Is it a coincidence society has clearly shown creative individuals, and thinkers there is 'no place' for anyone who speaks or lashes out, or decides-for-themselves-how-they-wish-to-look/live/act/think/be?
Coincidence? I think not.
...but then I'd be thinking and speaking out against the clenched-butted, conservative, and undoubtedly concocted by constricting unevolved-christian-walk-on-water-tight-minded-mentalities of people who fear everything their gandpappy's never saw (because, of course, everything in their grandpapay's day was entirely cloistered, but do NOT forget, oh it all existed in ever age and era back then, ad nauseum, just not always displayed as honestly as perhaps today - and how dare anyone be honest!?!).
If all a majority means is; all the 'uncreative-one's' are on the same side. That doesn't mean you have to join them.
Our unconscionable treatment and ostracising of anyone who has the undying audacity to be who they are....to say what they are here to impart....to the make films they feel we need to see and think about..to be unique, is unforgivable. It's denying life.
I bet those hyper super duper conservative are pro life-people.....yet, they are denying those who are now living?!
We need precisely those very unique individuals to remind us how far off the mark we are getting (and we are way off)
We need art. We need expression. We need different. We need our thoughts and minds stimulated. We need real.
We need honest. We need authentic. We need freedom. We need to be encouraged. We need these gifted souls to be respected, supported, kept healthy, off the street, fed, housed, and kept alive. We need to acknowledge this side of us - particularly by those who don't possess a similar soul. Those corrupt in power need to step aside and leave the rest of everything they don't understand - alone.
Any message, or society, that rejects or strives to suppress a unique and creative individual is a force that needs to experience precisely that which they seek to inflict upon the more sensitive, creative, honest and now made more vulnerable by being on the streets.
The powers that be need to be similarly silenced and "disenfranchised" removed from office, their house, their next meal.
Our politicians need to know what it means to be on the receiving end of a hand out...
....and have no one help them...
....and all because we just can't understand how they could want to be the way they want to be.
huh imagine that.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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1 comment:
Rick Mercer look out! lol. Good luck with the blogging.
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