How on earth is it possible...
for all the young, intelligent, well educated people, that zip around, in every city, everyday, on the face of this planet...
for all our mature, seasoned professionals, who've worked hard to pave the way and brought us all thus far...
for all our ancestral people, from a million far flung places, who've lived it all, just the same as we will...
for all the young people, who aren't blind but see all the rife damage and selfish destruction we've brought upon the earth...yet still do....
I've always wondered...
Why on earth can or has no on ever managed to change the trajectory we're on?
Centuries of everyone knowing but not doing.
How is it possible?
Theory #1 - The Immediate Direct Threat of Death.
Buuuuut....c'mon, ask yourself, what kind of life is there in not living fully, healthfully, or leaving behind an habitable world that didn't have an Immediate Direct Threat of Death in it, had one not sacrificed for a REAL cause...[hate to break it to you but oil is an addiction..not a cause]...not that people don't live for, die & kill for addictions - we are.
Theory #2 - Fear
Contrary to what you'd think, a bona fide non-negotiable clear & direct threat of death is more real than the intangible fear of death. Fear at least gives us a mo' to run and pack our bags and hitchhike and get yoru butts outta there.
Theory #3 - Now this one is an incalculable bit of conjecture....but one I stand by, and will debate to the death (not threat of death, but actual demise from lack of oxygen intake while debating this theory). My theory is that the very non-action non-existing non-*thing* that I see missing in our current worlds equation is/are: It is my guess that somewhere in the 6 million Jewish people who were killed during WWII, along with many others with them, not to mention & the 20 million Russian people who died during that time guess is, someone was among them who were supposed to *do* something that would've added to, benefited our world, and as a result of their *being* would have contributed substantially, incalculably to the state of our world. It is my sense we lost our future Galileo, an Einstein, a Hawking....imagine if they killed Jeesie Creesie - he chose WWII for his second coming...any mention of third coming? Is he in the wings?, not with wings....what bad luck...mind you...had we'd known....*...
money coulda been made.
So the why is mute....cause every one's very well educated, and seem happily motoring around like everything is working fine...tickey-boo.....just don't lift that rug and have a closer peek at the real macabre mechanism propelling our people and entire interconnected human network of greed and give.
I remember bleating the above, sounding like a spitting pack camel myself, I was told to read The Ingenuity Gap by:Thomas Homer-Dixon.
Now I love being tossed books, I'm like a I went.
But I hate reading books that tell me what I knew before I picked it up.....just sprinkled with specific factoids...they're good to know. But tell me something I didn't know. Give me answers. I paid for answers.
btw/ He did say; 'Many of the challenges humankind now faces are unlike anything we've confronted in the past
Never before have we been able to disrupt the fundamental process of Earth's climate and ecology...and created technological and social systems..."
But you know what.....with the exception to and admitting there a few more new challenges cropping ie: nuclear everything...and toxic chemical break down of previously unimaginable mixes, soups & eww stews...but other wise it's not true !!! We have!!!!.. All we've ever done is disrupt the fundamental process of EArth's climate, ecology and fragile life upon it. It's all human being have ever done - throughout history - maybe not as much in pre-woolly-mammoth days...but otherwise - this is the only human model of functioning we have ever known lived walked taught and trod.
Now how sad is thaaaaaat for lack of creativity. On a binary scale....we don't get awarded a 1.
So I have another theory as to why, for all our collective comphrension of all that isn't right...or rather that is leaning waaaay too right, so for all that isn't sustainable or, morally or ethically viable or correct...why for all our knowing, no one is managing to make a significant difference in the whatever-it-will-take to do the whatever-it-is-that-will-change-the-course-road (not actually redundant, it just looks and sounds that way)...we're on?
because we are kept, so neatly, divided.
When the word deftly popped into my hollow head....and one quick glance to see a sea of little white wires & ear buds. Yep...the iPod is merely the last deftly dividing device that continues to contain people, while racking up obscene amounts of money in the process to a few voracious villains....and while giving people the sense of motoring about...freely...undisturbed. nuff said there! It's too disturbing for words.
However, so long as we blindly accept the-whatever-now-wow-thing-is that is being marketed to everyone in the world...
excluding the billions of humans barely subsisting on anything a day, of course, don't think about them and the absurdity that is allowed to continue....
here, download more tunes than people have lifespans to listen to, and blot out any chance of individual thought at all times, under no circumstance should you experience consciousness - not that it hurts...ironically I bet it would heal...
oh riiiight, healing consciousness must not be experienced by anyone for any reason
Don't get me wrong....I'm not trying to convey an old worn concept that we should not buy iPods
so others can who don't have running water can have your iPod.
No, what I'm actually trying to infer is - perhaps you're not aware that you are actually not helping yourself.
We - as a human collective - are not just being kept blind, and deftly divided among ourselves.
That means we are also being kept blind and divided of our own potential, kept from our own strength, and kept unwitting about our own capability to contribute something of and from ourselves.
Sometimes it seems the markets are doing a far better job at keeping our potential energy - en masse - stifled - ensuring we never undivide.
Imagine if we ever did somehow come together? en masse! every nook and cranny on earth
cause we're all the same, and see the same wrongs going on.....ahhh just what if?!
If we ever did, the power pyramid would flip.....wait, a pyramid is in essence a grave, so I guess it can't flip in it's own grave....ah well....
but isn't is strange ....for all our technological advances...guttenberg's printing press to'd think we would've somehow managed to create something, for all our stellar knowledge, if there was one point where we all just said - y'know what?!! We've done this road to death....let's just try something else...and realise how different and more logical and liveable life could be.
It appears the closest the world ever got to breaking through the veneer was the 1960's movement....
before everyone got shot...or later became CEO's.
But the hope was there.
ah well* .."+*whatever*+;...
it's our loss.
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