Not to dredge up old Al again. But he was an undeniably interesting individual of our time.
Though not exactly my time...he was before my time....but I would rather inch my butt closer to his time, than have any ass-ociation to ooooooo eeeeegahds...I won't even sully this post by mentioning a common name of nonsensical twatishness that currently exists in these immediately devoid times.
And therein resides a point I am compelled to point out.
Einstein spoke about 'Academic Freedom' his country - Germany - in 1934...where upon he was attacked for his perception and remarks.
Not to paraphrase...but...I am soooooooooooooo not an Einstein to do anything other than......*....
But he spoke of how common & frequent students are, but how rare wise and noble teachers were. Where upon he questioned, what on earth is going on if no one is for real, and literally, wanting, needing or teaching truth and justice, by who's actually educating the youth in them-a-days?!!
It was there, he wanted to remind us that "each of us has to do his little bit toward transforming this spirit of the times"
He's referring to Zeitgeist.
Only he said it BEFORE it became the negative connotation we later came to know of it in post WWII terms and definition. Before the Nazi's re-branded, relaunched an remarketed the term that once meant something else in their history and language.
Einstein's now long since quieted voice, ought to still echo to and through us now.
As we watch a new Western right assert its strict and serious self in the West.
Mortuus - not only means dead or departed, but also means 'gone west' strangely enough.
Voce - is voice....of which, I feel, we are losing, despite all the technology that purportedly promotes individuals having their say - mark my binary words - this plug will be pulled in some way , by someone, for ancient and uncreative reasons...not that we are being taught such things as history, or have a memory that retains anything beyond 4 we'll never know or understand such things, when we're told old bold lies.
History, yourstory, mystery will all be retold....rewritten....remembered - incompletely, which is to say, inaccurately. But that's what power means.
Power is not money. Real power, is to dictate, demand, command people forget truth and 'unlearn' and 'unknow' what they saw, witnessed, lived, experienced first hand or second generation away, and somehow be distracted or taught to think or believe things couldn't possibly have happened that way!?
But yes.
Truth can be, and is that frightening. And horrifically's not just a nifty Jack Nicholson line....we probably can't handle the truth. If we can't, it's because we've been so deliberately cooed and coddled, so that we can't.
But do, let us decide for ourselves is my point thankyouverymuch.
It's what created the slight spanish lisps away back when in the whenever 1500's - I can't remember what time I was told that occurred...but a wee baby-ified future king a was born with a cutesy lisp.....that was either not corrected cause-he-was-to-be-the-future-king-and-that-is-all-power-and-correctness-incarnate, or he couldn't learn or was taught how to speak damn properly.
Long story-of-his shortened....everyone in the Spanish realm, was made to speak just like the king who sthuck his tongue out and sprayed spittle when he tried to pronounce an esssthlp*+;....
Thusth...the Thlpanish listhlpb, forever haslthpb thincth been thspoken withthlpb a lilthspbp*+.
oh the crazy things we do to prevent power from feeling as inferior
Damn it. Call like you see it people. Nothing else is honest.
But I digress.....
So Einstein spoke of people, students, and society as actually having a spirit that moved and could dictate their times. ...but he sensed people were losing it then....pre-WWII , in his time, and he was discouraged, and puzzled by it.
He said: " the students at our universities have ceased as completely as their teachers to embody the hopes and ideals of the people". (and that anyone who looks at the times soberly must admit this). And he goes on to as ask we take stock of ourselves......and look at things with courage and fairness.
Is that not where we are frighteningly "at" in this day an age?!?!?! History repeats its self like
bad heartburn cause we forget, or are-not-taught truths and the why's and wherefore's that created such heartburn inducing indigestible political stews.
Might that be because, not only are our students completely not embodying any such freedom academically, let alone personally in being given the time to develop their individual thoughts and understanding?
Albert Einstein said in that very lecture: "Let every man judge by himself, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him".
Both the students and teachers are no longer even learning or teaching TRUE, honest, courageous and fair history anymore.
Only what we are all told.
But who among us question everything we are told?! It's never to late to start.
Do we not lose our faculties when we lose our faculty?
Me thinks we might.
I would like to add one teeny tiny wee all-vitally-important question to this - Are we also not losing our sense-of-what-humour is in all this then?
When we lose our freedom to speak honestly & openly, we lose our's our freedom of this not one of the serious indicators where we're "at" as a society?!
Forget not having the energy or will to speak out against something. That could be any number of things working against us.
But not having the forum, tolerance, openess to articulate our wit and sense of humour is scary.
But - we are getting there.
Imperceivably. But THAT'S the current trajectory we're on, and where we'll arrive at someday soon.
May I say: it is my sense we are Mortuus Voce.
Dead - in thought. And rendered strangely silent .....even despite Youtube.
Were there not more biting humourists at every point in history, than we currently have now?
It is fatal to lose sight of your voice my friend.
...ask anyone who's dead.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
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