Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jeezie Creezie

Ever have one of those days where you're about as productive as a turnip?

That was me today.

Which translates into being a great, though not productive, day. But what a day it was...

While listening to all the mosquito-esque details buzzing round my brain, combined with being in critical need of a break, or time-off, solidified the sheer state, length and breadth of my unproductive immobile incapacitated self today.

The biggest things I had to grappled and wrestle with was (a) arriving to work - always a HUGE act of unselfish kindness considering the sheer inconvenience that is to what would otherwise be a pristine day (b) Sitting there either listening to, or thinking of, all the little things I had to do NOW NOW! YESTERDAY! NOW!! (c) should I get up and rinse out my mug?

I wanted to rinse out my mug....I even contemplated using dish soap this time but......

it never happened.

So - like the song says....2 out of 3 ain't bad. Although in this case it is bad. Deadlines are looming and I'm flat-lining and acting dead.

I did however get to do something today not everyone can say they've done.

I held Jesus in my arms.

There was a visiting tea-cup-sized Yorkie weighing in at 2 pounds (with a jacket on and hardware on), whom I was told doesn't like to be held, but for reasons unknown, Jesus seemed to like me...Jesus can obviously spot an soul needing saved. And there was me....searching for things to prevent me from even touching work.

It was devine intervention.

And yes, Jesus is a she in this minature K9 case....who'da thunk it?

Instantly, without any words from Jesus - we just *got* each other right away.

Jesus even kissed me.

How many can say that?

Jesus also had a pulled shoulder muscle from some sort of over-Jesus-exertion only God knows on the weekend.

But I gave Jesus a muscle manipulating massage and Jesus became a groggy doggy in my arms.

So despite my complete unprofessionalism regarding other-what-not-nonsensical irritating work things...*.....

I know today I left Jesus feeling a little bit better from a wee cuddle received by me.

My work is done.

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