Saturday, March 29, 2008

And In Our Hour of Darkness

Here's hoping you participate in the hour of zero electricity this evening along with the rest of the world, if not for the principle of our ecological condition, then to see just how much [or little] is saved / conserved economically...but know this is more about economy than ecology.

But from the moment you flick off all things electrical - why stop at a lamp or three?...think of the sheer unadulterated luxury you possess, for there to be so much undue disproportionate waste enjoyed by some around the world.

Think about the literal billions of souls who slave with virtually zero every single solitary days of their lives.

This is not a novelty hour.

This as an hour of empathy.

In that hour, focus your thoughts, heart, and mind, in all your vast, encompassing
comprehension - truly realize just how many people we leave-in-the-dark....

We live in Dark times indeed.

With or without lights.

Live simply, and simply live....and you will have advanced us all by light years.

On a lighter note:

...I wonder what the late Nicola Tesla thinks about all this?

For those of you without iPods, here's part of an old tune you might like to hum this evening:

And when the broken hearted people
living in the world agree,
there will be an answer,
let it be.

For though they may be parted
there is still a chance
that they will see,
there will be an answer.
let it be.

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