Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ether Weekend

So it's spring...

I'm springing into action like Buggs Bunny tripping out on ether

which is to say...everything is a bit slo' mo'

I have to be brief, as my, literal, splitting headache of exactly 7 consecutive days, remains throbbing
along with yon split tooth in my head. long as my tooth is there....I like to pretend it's mending!

Yes, I can see it now, busily knitting it's self a wee cozy cocoon to remain snuggled in. mmmmmf*%$#mm

Not the 4-6 weeks of fracture-city...of healing....*....

Or worse, the 6-9 months of extraction / replacement of foreign object surgery I have to look forward to..*..

I should be right-as-rain-is-pain by ...Christmas.

Shoot me in the head like a cow they did with that run away Steer, they couldn't steer, on Toronto's west end highway Thursday.

So not fair.

He gets put out his misery....((sigh)) but not I.

But in my monastic weekend of silence - I planted all my seeds for my vegetable was tricky ripping up the wood flooring, but after I fell the mere 6 ft through to the basement...that's where I began my digging...

ignore that...just pulling your green leg there. But how is THAT for being positive?!

Hilariously hopeful. And probably really really foolish.

But I will clutch onto my hope to be able to eat and chew real solid food again by the time my garden grows to ripe munching proportions.

I have planted more than seeds....I have buried my closed, negative mind, and firmly planted HOPE, in the sheer thought of being able to graze my own humble harvest of lettuce, chard, onions, potatoes, Ailsa Craig tomato's straight fae Scotland's land itself, and chives. With the same eyes-half-open-barely-thinking-taking-every-chew-totally-for-granted-munch just like a cow does herself. I WANNA BE THAT COW.

If I cannot eat so much as the above hand hued harvest by late summer....

...then, you have my permission....shoot me in the head like a cow. ehm...close range please.

Did you know one of the too many options 'out there' ?!? is fortified milk with extra added bonus calcium ?!?!
it's as gritty as chalk....only someone as sensitive to air right now would be able to detect the granular grit in said milk.

And Yoghurt.....anything with the word hurt in it shouldn't be consumed repeatedly, or else - it will. And it does.

With my mouth held shut, I thought of trying to inventing me a tooth-calcium-crazy-glue-mixture-impressor-thinga-ma-jig that could squish it's binding goo into any marble like fractures & fissures & they can with windshields & silcone...but that's just my hope talking.....nothing logical about anything there.

Not when there are archaic macabre methods of extended suffering that can be inflicted over 3 and 9 months!

It's amazing what the mind things of when one's mouth is fused shut to resemble that of a cast. Cause a cast is all that is necessary to save me from going headlong into this preventable dental hell.

oh these silly spring much thinking to be done when one's mouth is kept shut.

NiGhTiE nIgHt*+;... <-- buggs drifting down stream thinking it was all a nightmare

eep !

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