Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Something Old Will Be New Again

When we don't know, or remember, our history - we become staggeringly adept in only reinventing (or inventing? who remembers??) the same triangular wheel over and over.

ow ow ow ow ow

We even lose the logic to round the corners off.

That's how quick we are to settle and accept things as 'good enough', despite the reality they aren't even functional.

Not that things were good enough, or functional in the good old days either.

But if there's one significant difference between them thar good old days, and these here and now-a-days is:

Genuine creative innovative original thought.

Who does that anymore?

There was a time when thoughts, attempts, inventions and efforts were being made from a cross section of people and disciplines. There was less control of people and more avenues to explore of course, and that likely played a key role.

Today we are told we have more avenues than ever before. Yet we don't really have the bona fide freedom to truly explore things or truths anymore.

What we appear to have is a hall of mirrors reflecting a depth that isn't there, so as to distract the majority from remembering what they might have been thinking about or looking for, and get caught up in looking at other distorted selves, yet never seeing ourselves in the same wonky frame.

Our shrunken memory works against us - to some larger insidious ideology - perfectly.

Who's to blame?

We all are.

We're not helping ourselves by agreeing to remain unthinkingly distracted - rendering ourselves ignorant.
While we are encouraged, bought and sold & heavily marketed to not help ourselves by ever stopping to think.

I am however wanting to remind people that people used to be allowed to persue their freedom of thought and expression and had real choice....'k that sounds a wee bitty too american, but it's that empirical mentality that is stifling & dictating to the rest of the world their typical amercian unrelenting load of crap.

Let this simply be a wee reminder that the answers we don't even realise we need and seek, reside in our past.

Begin by unearthing and reading those who went before us, who took the time to write and record their observations, thoughts and notions.

Learn what and why they felt compelled to impart.

And then learn for yourself what the next step ought to be.

Then take that step.

Cause it's just us chickens.

It's up to you.

No one else.

Once you know that....know there's hope.

The ideas of the past, although half destroyed, being still very powerful, and the ideas which are to replace them being still in process of formation,the modern age represents a period of transition and anarchy.
Gustave Le Bon
1841 - 1931

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