Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hickory Dickory Dock

....the mouse clicked on the blog
the blog struck one, the mouse meltdown...
dickory trickory blog

Right. Now. You're probably wondering if I've lost my marbles, and without any further kiddie references - by all accounts - I haven't.

That, to all strange wonderment, shock and horror is a wee reference to - counting.

I've decided I will do away with the counter (once I figure out how to - I will do).

Not that anyone is reading this, caring or noticing.

But just seeing how many are not bothering, reading or noticing this is enough for it to count, and to effectively get me to stop with the counter thing.

It was so over-the-top-absurd-a concept - I must have been in great-eeedjit-headspace to have though anyone would actually know , or want to click on this total trollop.

As if anything counted or mattered.

So don't count this as a blog entry. Cause it isn't / wasn't and doesn't count.

This, contrary to all my other countless, senseless entries, this one speaking of counters and numbers doesn't count as an actual entry - cause it isn't about anything at all but not counting.

wait....hang on...no, that's correct by all accounts.

Does this count as doing it again??

....no! no!! no!!!

wait, not if this doesn't count.....

So not counting this...consider me stopped counting.

No wait. NOW consider me having stopped counting. There.




Hang on.

I mean, this doesn't count.

Does that count for anything my not wanting it to count?

I'm off to count sheep or something

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