Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Lá ’le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Try as I might, it's difficult to ignore this Irish day.

The irony of the monumental anti-environmental Chicago River being dyed green every year is simply staggering even before you have your first 22 Guinness beers.

Now that, is taking the piss...playing God.....having the power and no sense to change the already highly polluted chemical-ed up brown water to green?

Who do these Cathols think they are?!! tut tut

We St. Andrews people should try and repair such water damage and engineer some method to properly revert the water back to it's original reflective natural blue hue instead of all this boohoo liquid death we continue so ignorantly call water, of course we are forced to continue to use the archaic term water because the proper term for it hasn't been formally acknowledged let alone agreed upon, or passed by governments to be printed in our schools texts, because we're more hung up on the immoral question of using the word shite, but once we get over that verbal hurdle, we'll be able to formally use that term to define the state of the worlds current water supply.

Getting back to my bit of engineering idea, we should design a clean method of purification...and at no point will praying be a technique employed by real thinking minds. Nor will the use of dye...*....but actually filtering and rehabilitating the stuff...cause it's all we have...and these snow caps aren't naturally regenerating themselves like they used to, so when it goes....that's it...but I digress.

Where was I ?!! ah yes, Paddy cakes.

Ye Ole WELSH patron...made saint he was....of Ireland no less.

Did you know he was whisked away as a wee lad (true story) by "Irish Raiders" (as they are referred to) and kept as a slave in Ireland for 6 years, doing who-knows-what...ehm...oops. But finally escaped, and returned to his family - in Wales - to then do-as-he-was-told, and weave himself into the cloth of the church just as his pappy and grandpappy did before him, to then later return to Ireland as a missionary.....*.....

now here's the bit I always like, now I must get this right verbatim ((ehm))

but little is known about the places where he worked and no link can be made between Patrick and any church. (really) By the eighth century he had become the patron saint of Ireland. (miraculous) The Irish monastery system evolved (quite debatable) after the time of Patrick and the Irish church did not develop the diocesan model that Patrick and the other early missionaries had tried to establish.

and what would that be do you think? Religious elbow bends of green beer?

Ya gotta like the Catholic religion, and their flexibility, you can't eat fish certain times of the week/month year whenever we tell you...ehm...what? no food? okay, so you can eat fish can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!?! wait...that's Floyd. But their insatiable need of juicy gossip is such they made it a formal requirement, to the point they installed confessionals before thinking of installing urinals how's THAT for priorities!

How could Roman Catholics not do well in Ireland?!?!

The Cathaholics are religous in their dedication...*....we're talking about real worship here.
It's all a bit OTT (over the top) wouldn't you say?

I always thought it a cruel and unusual bit if canny architecture to build Catholic churches and Irish pubs to look so similar. That's like camouflage to an already blind drunk staggering mind....unfair church practise I'd say....of course you're going to get someone stumbling in thinking they've arrived at the Goat & Arms.

oh thinks I may have, possibly, offended everyone who's Irish and Catholic!

not yet!?

Alight, I said this earlier today, but will say it again just cause it's an oldie but a goody.

a wee Irish joke fer ya...

An Irish man walks out of a bar.

Were you expecting another miracle perhaps?

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