Saturday, March 8, 2008

Springing Ahead Into the White Abyss

Righteo - this will be short.

...though this Canadian winter has been long*+;... groan

To give you a visual of the winter to which I have alluded to in previous posts, please scroll down for what every view, from any window, and/or windshield, as it appears to us, to a varying degree, and has appeared to us, in this part of the country, for the past 4 and half months solid, looks like....

Aye. Blinding pure solid white. N O T H I N G N E S S

We're officially springing ahead to what will likely be a white summer.

There are no other seasons. 2008 calendars were a tragic misprint.

Spring and summer and autumn have been effectively canceled this year.

There will be no colours or flowers or greenery to be seen this year.
(click on your mouse and do a 'capture' sweep below with it for a wee prayer)

Good lord of mighty misery, please put an end to this unrelenting whiteness we see, fer your ain sake if not ours if you please, we get your snow drift, but we've all collectively & proverbially "had it" already, ha ha you've taken this winter thing a bit too far haven't you? Yes indeedy doody, we're not amused not at all are we?, what's say you make all this disappear -there there you nice dear goddy, but be nice, no severe or nasty flooding, or unnecessary drownings now, have a heart oh sick sense of humoured one from on high. Mercy and howdy doody.

Welcome to Spring.

Now let's shovel our way out of this shall we?!

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